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Lieblingsmusik 2019, Vol. 2: Meine Lieblingsplatten des Jahres.
Alben, American Football, Andrew Bird, Balhazar, Best of 2019, Big Thief, Bill Callahan, Bon Iver, Faye Webster, Hatchie, Helado Negro, Hot Chip, Jenny Hval, Julia Jacklin, Musik, Purple Mountains, Slaughter Beach Dog, Stella Donnelly, Steve Gunn, Tyler the Creator, Vampire Weekend, Whitney
Lieblingsmusik 2019, Vol. 1: Meine Lieblingssongs des Jahres.
Aldous Harding, Angel Olsen, Anna of the North, Bilderbuch, Billie Eilish, Bodega, Caribou, Carly Rae Jepsen, Crocodiles, Fontaines D.C., Hatchie, Klaus Johann Grobe, Marie Davidson, Shey Baba, Soulwax, Spoon, The Ballet, Vampire Weekend, Whitney, Wilco